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At The Japanese School London, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our students. That's why we have an e-safety policy in place to protect them from the dangers that can arise from using the internet. We take the necessary steps to ensure that all students are aware of the potential risks online and how to avoid them. We teach responsible internet usage to our students, as well as monitor their activity to keep them safe.


Online safety

The use of technology has become a significant component of many safeguarding issues. Child sexual exploitation; radicalisation; sexual predation: technology often provides the platform that facilitates harm. An effective approach to online safety empowers our school to protect and educate the whole school community in its uses of technology and establishes mechanisms to identify, intervene in, and escalate any incident where appropriate.


The breadth of issues classified within online safety is considerable, but can be categorised into three areas of risk:


content: being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material; for example pornography, fake news, racist or radical and extremist views;

contact: being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users; for example commercial advertising as well as adults posing as children or young adults; and

conduct: personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm; for example making, sending and receiving explicit images, or online bullying.


Opportunities to teach safeguarding, including online safety

Teaching online safety in school is departmental guidance outlining how schools can ensure their pupils understand how to stay safe and behave online as part of existing curriculum requirements.


Any online safety issues shall be contacted the Cyber Choices websitehttps://www/met/ for their advice.


Reviewing online safety

Technology in this area evolves and changes rapidly. A free online safety self-review tool for schools can be found via the 360 safe website. UKCIS has published Online Safety In Schools And Colleges: Questions from The School Management Committee to help responsible bodies assure themselves that their online safety arraignments are effective.


Education at home

Where children are being asked to learn online at home the department has provided advice to support schools and colleges do so safely: safeguarding-in-schools-colleges-and-other-providers and safeguarding-and- remote-education


Protecting children

As a school we are be doing all that reasonably can to limit children’s exposure to the above risks from the IT system. As part of this process, we have appropriate filters and monitoring systems in place.

Opportunities to teach safeguarding


As part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum, Relationship Education (for lower school) and Relationships and Sex Education (for upper school) is compulsory and implemented by July 2021.

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